Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Suleiman must have decided to sneak out of the house Monday night because yesterday he spent the entire day sleeping. He didn't wake up all day, even though his scheduled wake up time is 7:30am. (Lately he's been sleeping with his ears straight out to the side, as opposed to the place where they used to be for sleep - sort of halfway between straight to the front and straight to the side.)
I probably could have reset him to get him to wake up, but it was kind of nice to not have to worry about whether he was doing what he was supposed to be doing for a day.

He woke up at the correct time today and has been acting as he should. Finally, I'm only getting one daily affirmation per day (I was getting two readings in the morning, and one in the afternoon for weeks...). And he is still doing Tai Chi (which I'm still excited about, since he went for an equally long time not doing it, as he spent giving me three times the affirmations).

My fingers are crossed that he continues in this pattern. It's nice to have a properly functioning bunny!

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